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  • 5-40in lengths
  • 176°F maximum operating temperature
  • 40 psid @ 70°F maximum reverse pressure
  • Maximum differential pressure:
    • 75 psid @ 70°F
    • 30 psid @ 176°F
  • Various gasket/O-ring materials
  • “Absolute” efficiency rated at 99.98%


The Graver Technologies PMA Series Pleated Filter Cartridge is constructed entirely of polypropylene, including the inner core, end caps, and cage, making them chemically inert to many process fluids. They come in various lengths from 5 inches to 40 inches, with a standard outside diameter of 2.7 inches and inside diameter of 1.0 inches. Multiple gasket and O-ring materials are available, including Buna-N, EPDM, Silicone, and Viton, to ensure compatibility with different fluids.

The filters meet several certifications, including USP Class VI Biological Test for Plastics and FDA Title 21 compliance for food and beverage contact. They also comply with European Regulation No. 1935/2004 and European Regulation 10/2011 for direct food contact, having been tested for migration behavior and found suitable for all types of foodstuffs with minimal rinse-up requirements.