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  • 100 psid collapse pressure
  • 250º F maximum service temperature
  • Support screens provide a rigid pleat structure to withstand high cyclic and pulse flow fatigue


The Hilliard Hilco PH Series 718 Filter Cartridge are designed for high efficiency filtration of oils, water, water-based fluids, and chemicals in industrial applications. They utilize a microglass synthetic media sandwiched between nylon layers for strength and pleated with epoxy-coated steel support screens.

The synthetic microglass media provides consistent filtration efficiency without absorbing water or swelling like cellulose. It results in higher dirt holding capacity, lower pressure drop, and reliability in wet or high temperature conditions compared to traditional cellulose cartridges.

PH cartridges are ideal for applications including engine lube oil, turbine oil, hydraulic fluids, fuel oil, process water, and coolants.