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  • 6 filters per box
  • 60 psi (4.1 bar) at 70°F maximum forward differential pressure
  • 30 psi (2.1 bar) at 70°F maximum reverse differential pressure
  • 180°F at 10 psid (0.69bar) maximum operating temperature in water
  • Available in 3.0, 10, and 25 μm
  • Broad chemical compatibility: aromatics, halogenated solvents, organics, ozone (9,000 ppm/hrs)
  • US FDA 21 CFR compliant materials


The Veolia Water Technologies Flotrex HR Pleated Cartridge Filters are made entirely from Halar (ECTFE) (Halar is a trademark of Ausimont.), an industrial-grade fluoropolymer with excellent solvent resistance. FHR filters can withstand the harshest process conditions due to this virtually indestructible material. 

Flotrex HR filters deliver high flow rates and high-purity results with absolute rated efficiencies (99.9% filtration efficiency at rated pore size based on ASTM F795 and F661 test methods) and retention characteristics that typically outperform polypropylene microfiber filters.


This product can be used in the following applications: