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  • 6 filter per box
  • 257°F maximum temperature
  • 60 psi (4.1 bar) at 70°F maximum forward differential pressure
  • 30 psi (2.1 bar) at 70°F maximum reverse differential pressure
  • 180°F at 10 psid (0.7bar) maximumum operating temperature in water
  • Hydrophilic
  • Low protein retention
  • Broad chemical & pH compatibility
  • ISO 9001:2015 certified processes


The Veolia Water Technologies Memtrex MP Pleated Filters are constructed with hydrophilic polyethersulfone membranes and all polypropylene components and exhibit both enhanced throughput and reliable particle retention for superior performance in most applications. MMP filters are compatible with a broad range of chemicals and pH extremes. The low protein-binding characteristics of the polyethersulfone membranes ensure that MMP filters are suitable in a variety of beverage, chemical, and pharmaceutical applications. Constructed using thermal welding techniques, the MMP filters do not contain any adhesives or additives.

Memtrex MP filters are manufactured under a quality management system that has been certified to meet ISO 9001 standards. Each filter is assigned a lot code to ensure traceability of the data and materials used in the manufacturing process.

Includes 6 filters per box.


This product can be used in the following applications: