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  • 5-40in lengths
  • 176°F maximum operating temperature
  • 15 psid @ 70°F maximum reverse pressure
  • Maximum differential pressure:
    • 50 psid @ 70°F
    • 25 psid @ 176°F


The Graver Technologies PMG Series Pleated Filter Cartridge is constructed of pleated Borosilicate Microfiberglass media that delivers optimum flow rates with exceptional service life to support a wide range of chemical and industrial applications. The nominally-rated borosilicate microfiber depth matrix has a natural positive charge that aids in the retention of negatively charged particulates such as colloidal materials or contaminants that may form haze within a fluid. The depth characteristic of glass media also provides enhanced retention of deformable particles as compared to typical polypropylene media. In addition, the slightly smaller diameter ensures easy retrofit in installed housings designed to accept depth filters.