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  • 0.2 micron
  • 195°F maximum operating temperature
  • Maximum differential pressure:
    • 75 psid @ 70°F
    • 30 psid @ 176°F
    • 15 psidd @ 195°F
  • 100% Flushed with 18 megohm DI water and integrity tested
  • Manufactured, flushed, tested and packaged in an ISO Class 7 Cleanroom Environment


The Graver TefTEC V Membrane Filter Cartridge is constructed with naturally hydrophobic PTFE membrane and polypropylene support layers and components. The economical PTFE membrane cartridge filter provides hydrophobicity, making it ideally suited for utility as well as tank vent applications. Additionally, the filter has been demonstrated to produce sterile air
utilizing a bacterial aerosol challenge methodology, emulating the actual removal character of the filter in vent applications.