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  • 3 phase power supply
  • 1 or 3 micron
  • 1 bar maximum back pressure
  • 2.7 kW (Mini)
  • 5.4 kW (Maxi)
  • 2 meter maximum suction height


The Des-Case Vacuum Dehydration Unit, including the Mini Water Vac and Maxi Water Vac, are designated oil purification units designed to be applied directly to various types of machine reservoirs. These units are capable of dehydrating and cleaning most types of oil, such as lubricating, hydraulic, transformer, and switch oils, by removing particles, gases, and water. The purified oil produced by these units meets the most stringent quality requirements, as stated in the ISO 4406 standard.

Solid particle removal is achieved through a proven RMF Systems micro-filter. The units do not require continuous attention while operating, as the oil supply and removal from the vacuum chamber is a fully automatic process controlled by a PLC. The desired oil temperature can be selected using the integrated heater element, and the units are equipped with a float switch to protect against overflow of the waste container or tank.