Des-Case RMF Systems By-Pass Filtration Unit
- 1.4 l/min flow rate
- 12 - 420 bar operating pressure flow control valve
- 20 bar maximum pressure filter housing
- 176°F maximum oil temperature
- Anodised aluminium filter housing material
The Des-Case RMF Systems By-Pass Filtration Unit are specially designed for mobile hydraulic installations and are available in single or double units which are equally suitable for OEM use and retrofitting. The By-pass filter comes equipped with an integrated pressure compensated flow control valve. This valve bleeds oil from the main hydraulic system, passes this through the filter after
which it is returned to the hydraulic reservoir. The amount of oil extracted from the main system at any time is insignificant ensuring that it will not affect the working of the main system. Most commonly used biodegradable oils in the mobile sector are suitable for
filtration with RMF filter elements.
This product can be used in the following applications:
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