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  • ISO VG 680 (3000ssu/648cSt) maximum operating viscosity range
  • -15 to 150°F ambient temperature
  • 10.2"L x 18.2"W x 18.1"H
  • Carbon steel frame


The Des-Case Fluid Handling Compact Panel Unit is designed for decontaminating systems and collecting oil samples for analysis. This unit is notably 60% smaller than the standard unit and comes with several key features including an automatic pressure relief valve, a removable plastic drip pan, and industrial powder-coated paint. It's backed by a one-year warranty.

The unit is engineered to filter mineral-based industrial oils and most synthetic oils, with a maximum operating viscosity range of ISO VG 680 (3000ssu/648cSt) at 100°F/38°C. It can function within ambient temperature ranges from -15°F to 150°F (-26°C to 66°C). The construction materials include a carbon steel frame, aluminum filter heads, zinc-plated steel and/or brass fittings, aluminum/steel pumps, and Buna-N gaskets.

Performance features include a filter indicator that activates at 22psid (1.55bar) to warn when filter elements need replacement, and a pump relief that opens at 65psi (5.49bar). The unit weighs approximately 45-50lbs, though this can vary depending on selected options, and measures 10.2"L x 18.2"W x 18.1"H.