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  • 2, 4.5, 6, 10, 20, 40, 70, and 90 microns (microfiber)
  • 2, 6, 10, 20, and 30 microns (microglass)
  • 180°F maximum operating temperature
  • 35 PSID @ 70°F maximum differential pressure
  • 25 psid recommended change-out
  • Maximum flow rates:
    • 20in- 175 gpm
    • 40in- 350 gpm
    • 60in- 500 gpm
  • Thermally bonded construction
  • Minimum order quantity: 20


The Strainrite MAXX Flow Pleated Filter is engineered for critical high purity applications by optimizing throughput while maintaining absolute rated performance that is both predictable and repeatable. The polypropylene filter media is constructed on
the latest continuous microfiber blowing equipment, which accurately controls fiber diameter and web design. Precision blowing of fine denier fibers results in a highly uniform matrix that optimizes element flow rate and service life.

This hybrid filter easily works with most standard 6.75” outside diameter housing.

Minimum order quantity: 20

Please call for quantities not shown above