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  • 5, 10, 20, and 30in lengths
  • 0.2 microns
  • 180°F maximum operating temperature
  • 75 psid (5.1 bar) @ 75°F (forward)
  • 40 psid (2.8 bar) @ 180°F (forward)
  • 50 psid (3.4 bar) @ 75°F (reverse)


The Strainrite Vent-MAXX Gas Sterilizing Filter utilizes a technologically advanced membrane in the unique pleat construction to deliver efficiency, superior strength, and high flow rates.

Vent-Maxx double layer PTFE membrane filters are designed to remove microorganisms, particulate, and moisture in your most demanding air and gas applications. These liquid validated sterilizing grade filters are designed to meet the highest levels of security required in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and biopharmaceutical industries.

Vent-Maxx filters conform to USP Class VI – 121oC and 21 CFR Part 177. Strainrite delivers clear solutions to your air and gas filtration applications.