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  • 0.45 and 0.65 microns
  • 180°F maximum operating temperature
  • 75 psid (5.1 bar) @ 75°F maximum differential pressure (forward)
  • 40 psid (2.8 bar) @ 180°F maximum differential pressure (forward)
  • 50 psid (3.4 bar) @ 75°F (reverse)
  • 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40in lengths


The Strainrite Vino-MAXX E Pleated Membrane Filter is specifically engineered to provide an absolute barrier to wine spoiling micro-organisms.  The Vino-Maxx E incorporates a highly asymmetric polyethersulfone membrane within the exclusive pleat support configuration. 

Every Vino-Maxx E filter is integrity tested and flushed with high purity water to assure product performance and purity.  Integrity test parameters have been correlated to microbiological retention for both of our 0.45µm and 0.65µm membrane filters.