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  • 0.25, 0.45, 0.65, 1, 5, and 10 microns
  • 180°F maximum operating temperature
  • 75 psid (5.1 bar) @ 75°F maximum differential pressure
  • 40 psid (2.8 bar) @ 180°F maximum differential pressure
  • 4sq ft per 10" approximate surface area
  • Thermally bonded construction


The Strainrite CFP Continuous Fiber-Pleat Depth Cartridge utilizes a high surface area of small denier fibers to create more void volume in a highly uniform matrix, optimizing flow rate and service life without sacrificing particle efficiency. 

The high efficiency media is non-calendared at the lower micron ratings resulting in significantly reduced resistance to flow or pressure drop when compared to similarly rated polypropylene microfiber technologies.

These products are available in industrial grades that utilize epoxy binders or in FDA compliant grades, which utilize acrylic binders, and are perfect for a wide range of applications where chemical compatibility is critical.