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  • 75 psid (5.1 bar) @ 75°F maximum differential pressure (forward)
  • 40 psid (2.8 bar) @ 180°F maximum differential pressure (forward)
  • 50 psid (3.4 bar) @ 75°F maximum differential pressure (reverse)
  • 180° maximum operating temperature
  • Meets USP Class VI Biological Reactivity Test resulting in extremely low extractables
  • Special Pleat option


The Strainrite Pur-MAXX T / Mem-Pleat T Membrane Cartridge were developed for critical filtration applications where PTFE and polypropylene materials are compatible.

Utilizing a proprietary PTFE membrane casting method we are able to achieve a pore configuration that optimizes cartridge flow rates with absolute and reliable particle and microorganism retention. 

These cartridges are manufactured and tested in our 3rd party-certified clean room with components that meet USP Class VI Biological Reactivity Test resulting in extremely low extractables.These high purity elements are suited for biopharmaceutical, microelectronics and high purity chemical applications.