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  • -4 to 392°F maximum operating temperature
  • 73 psid; -4 to 392°F maximum differential pressure
  • Silicone o-ring
  • De-wetting time of less than 10 seconds


The Donaldson Filtration LifeTec P-SRF V Filter Element is a high-performance sterile grade pleated depth filter designed for critical applications in the processed food and beverage industry. This filter element achieves a log reduction value of 9 at 0.2 micron for venting, compressed air, and technical gas applications. It can withstand up to 150 steam sterilization cycles under specified conditions, including vapor phased hydrogen peroxide (VPHP) sterilization. The P-SRF V is capable of handling high differential pressure in both flow directions and has a rapid de-wetting time of less than 10 seconds. Its non-fiber releasing depth media complies with CFR Title 21 211.72 for food contact use. 

The filter element utilizes a proprietary three-dimensional binder-free borosilicate depth filter media with a large void volume of 95%, which is chemically inert and specifically developed for bacteria and virus filtration in processed food and beverages. The inherently hydrophobic media ensures high flow rates, low pressure drop, and excellent de-wetting characteristics.