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  • 1/2″ and 3/8″ NPT female coupling
  • 3/8″ male NPT couplings
  • Can be used for straining water-based fluids and oil-based chemicals
  • Stainless steel and plastic construction prevent rust


The Ohio Fabricators PS Suction Strainers are designed for use with portable insect control equipment. The equipment sprays a mist to protect people to help maintain an “insect free” environment so the area remains comfortable and inviting.

Our “PS” strainers are made for water-based fluids where corrosion and low cost are competing factors. The cap and base are made from one-piece high strength nylon. The inner perforated support core is constructed of galvanized steel which adds strength to the pleated stainless-steel wire cloth and is epoxy bonded for leak-proof service. They are available in sizes of ½” female, 3/8” male and 3/8” female NPT hex nut sizes.