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  • 20" length
  • 2.75" diameter
  • 158°F @ 25 psid (1.7 bar) maximum temperature
  • 72 psi maximum differential pressure @ 25°C
  • Silicone o-rings


The Evoqua Water Technologies VH Series Pleated Pharmaceutical Grade Filter Cartridge is a validated, pleated polyethersulfone membrane filter cartridge designed for critical filtration applications in the pharmaceutical industry. The cartridge features a pleated polyethersulfone membrane over a non-woven polyester support layer, providing an absolute rated filtration with typical bacteria reduction of >107/cm2.

These cartridges meet the current USP Plastics Class VI biological test for plastics, and a validation certificate is available to support the bacteria challenge results. They contain no surfactants or coatings that could interfere with the application, and the thermo-plastic construction process minimizes extractables. The supported single layer membrane ensures strength while exhibiting low pressure drop and exceptionally high flow rates. These validated cartridges can be sterilized by autoclaving. The operating parameters include a maximum temperature of 158°F (70°C) at 25 psid (1.7 bar) and a maximum differential pressure of 72 psi (5.0 bar) at 25°C.

The recommended water flow rates range from 1.8 gpm/10" length (2.3 lpm/10" length) for 0.1 μm to 3.0 gpm/10" length (11.4 lpm/10" length) for 0.45 μm. The cartridges can be sanitized using chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, autoclaving for 20 minutes at 121°C under no load conditions, or hot water sanitizable at 85°C (185°F) at a maximum of 10 psid for up to 24 hours.


This product can be used in the following applications: